I(F33)dated my ex(M31) for a year, I had let him move into my place while we were still together (am month ago) and things went south, I currently let him stay in my spare room as times are tough for both of us and all that. He was the one who decided it was over after a particularly nasty fight with some really hurtful name calling towards me.

There had been times before when I had gone to him with something and been shut down or told to deal with it or that I needed to personally deal with it because it wasn’t him that did it.

Anyways it’s been about a month, I’m still sorting my head out and he keeps trying to lean on me for everything going on in his life, I emotionally can’t handle it. He’s mentioned killing himself multiple times( he has a diagnosed mental disorder) even made the comment today right before I decided to make this post.

There has been times where he’s asking for hugs or breaking down infront of me and I feel like I have to shut myself down in order to protect my mental state.

I told him today respectfully that I can’t take on his emotional baggage when I have my own to deal with at this time. He told me his great aunt has cancer and I do feel bad for him but something keeps screaming at me that it’s just manipulation and all I could do was give my condolences.

So I guess, am I being to harsh?

Tl;Dr Ex lives with me after a bad breakup, wasn’t there for me emotionally but expects me to be there for him while we are currently having to live together.

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