All right, so I am 17F My friend is 18F. We have been friends for about three years. She goes to my school and she’s in my band. However, we don’t share any classes or lunch, we aren’t in the same grade and we’re in totally different sections. I’m in Percussion and she’s in woodwinds formally colorguard. We used to walk together(Sometimes the dollar store) Every week or so and Nothing bad happened in between us. She got a car and she doesn’t want to walk Around the neighborhood anymore because she goes to the park instead. She was generally a good friend and she had wanted to go to Six Flags with me and go back to The mall of Georgia with me. However, when She text it’s usually very formally and when we’re not hanging out in person And we see each other at school or something she sometimes ignores me. She also used to help take me to school. When I would miss the bus. The only time I see her now Is in the hallway I don’t have any time to talk to her. She’s also graduating next month. By the way, she lives in my neighborhood and I know where she lives. About a month or so ago, She stopped responding to any of my messages or even reading them for that fact. Today I called her because I needed a ride to school and it says that her number is no longer registered with ‎WhatsApp. I was wondering what I should do about this to reconnect our friendship. My mom says I should go to her house and try to talk to her. Do you think this is a good idea?

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