I moved to a new city this year. I have never been a super extroverted and warm person before, I’ve always had very few close friends and I’ve struggled with bullying throughout primary school. I do consider myself a complicated and conservative person, I’ve had best friends and occasional hang-out friends before but there came a time where I felt really lonely, to the point I started seeking out therapy. I met this very nice girl in September and we started getting along, at first it was more of a “social interaction” thing and I’d only talk about school stuff when I was with her, then it gradually became a confidential relationship and we both shared life experiences (she was the first person I told when I lost my virginity). At one point she even introduced me to her friend group (I had a friend group in my class as well, but due to miscommunication and lack of interaction, we grew apart) and everything seemed to be just fine at first. I was being listened to, given advices, laughed with and not at, I felt understood and respected overall. I thought I finally had found real friends, and all was thanks to a single person. I eventually started calling her my best friend, because that’s was she was to me, my best friend: she helped me get through a tough time and cheered me up when all I wanted was to disappear. She seemed to be okay with that, and we kept hanging out, until she started acting distant and cold towards me, especially when she’s in company of her friend group. One thing that hurt me was when I tried to talk to her when her friends were around and she straight up ignored me. Even now, when I’m alone with her she’s friendly and nice as she’s always been, when her friends are there she completely changes her attitude towards me. As I mentioned in the title she acts like she doesn’t like me at all. One thing that I believe ruined my social skills is, when I notice someone’s distance and coldness I tend to distance myself away instead of looking for communication and comprehension. I don’t want to make this mistake with her too because I really care about her and I don’t want to hurt her in any way. What shall I do?

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