Bf and I have been together nearly a year now. My ex cheated and while I’m over him the lasting effects of trust issues has lasted into this current relationship.

I love my bf. Completely and utterly love the guy. It’s kinda embarrassing how happy he makes me when we’re together. We’re that annoying PDA couple.

It’s just sometimes I feel that at least when we text feelings are not heard at all. He doesn’t understand some of my emotions and same back.

A close relative of his has been making comments when I come over to his. Like asking if he can go drinking and making comments that there will be girls there. Telling him to check out other girls in front of me. Saying stuff like that. I don’t care if he wants to go drinking. But the fact it’s linked to finding girls. It’s broken my trust. Even if he doesn’t do it. His relative is encouraging it.

It’s been hurtful to me. Very hurtful. I have been losing trust just hearing his relative saying this stuff. It’s not him saying it. But it’s causing me anguish.

He’s been apologetic about it. But I’m struggling now with trust. What if. What if he does go out to drink. Is he looking at other girls when I’m not there? It’s all these little thoughts that keep breaking me down. I have cried a few times over the last few days since.

I suggested to him he find a new girl. One that his relative respects. But I don’t want to break up. I love him too much. It hurts to say it. But I want him to be happy. So happy.

I wrote to him saying I need a break for a few days. To clear my head. It’s upset me.

Outside opinions please? Has anyone dealt with same issue?

Tl;dr I am struggling with trust with bf after his relatives comments that he should look at other women.

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