So I (33m) had a bad day and decided to go out to a bar. The bar is empty, apart from one pretty bar maid called Angie(26f) I sat down and started ordering drinks and we started talking. We had a really long conversation which honestly meant a lot to me. As I was about to ask for her number in walks in around 6 guys, all early 20s. One half black guy, and 5 white guys with the half black guy the obvious ring leader/“alpha”. The main guy marches right up to the bar and asks for a “slut juice” (which I learned is apparently a double vodka with lemonade and lime). They all individually order the same drink and a few of them go off to the pool table and start playing pool.

The “ringleader” stays at the bar talking to angie. He asks her to change the music, and she tells them to use the jukebox. The guy says he doesn’t wanna pay, and says he knows she has an aux in the back. She says she’ll get in trouble and the guy says “not even for me?” and to my surprise she goes and puts his phone on the aux in the back. After this they carry on talking and he asks her what her favourite drink is. She tells him sex on the beach and he laughs and tells her that’s a super “basic” drink. She tells him that slut juice is much more basic to which he responds “you know you love a good slut”. I thought this was really crude but she seemed to find it hilarious.

As time goes on the main guy continues to be super obnoxious, telling his friends how trash they are at pool, asking angie to give him ciggarettes (which for some reason she continually does) and stuff like that. Eventually angie asks if he wants to leave a positive review on tripadviser as if he mentions her by name she gets a bonus. He says “I would if you were actually good at your job”. She feins offense and says “I’m good at everything I’ll have you know”. The guy crudely replies “I bet you are” which gets a bunch of cheers from his lackeys. She laughs and says “I didn’t mean it like that but you’re not wrong”. He says “we’ll have to see about that” and she replies “if you’re lucky”. At this point I’m dumbfounded how this sweet, pretty, intelligent young woman is playing into his bullshit.

As time goes on it hits 10:30pm and starts raining, and 3 of the lackeys leave, leaving just the 5 of us in the bar. The ring leader complains about how he doesn’t want to walk to the club in the rain and asks angie if she would drive him and his friends. She agrees but says she won’t get out until half 11 unless people leave sooner. The guy turns to me and starts pressuring me to leave and angie just doesn’t say anything. He starts turning off the speakers and gambling machines and rushing angie to shut the bar and she actually does. He starts barking orders at his lackeys to stack the chairs while angie counts up the till and then she comes from round the bar links arms with the guy, kisses him on the cheek and says “thanks for helping me close”. He asks if she’s gonna party with them and she says “well I could come for a few drinks” and they pile into her car and drive off.

As I walk home drunk in the rain I just feel rage and then despair. Why do women go for guys like that? Crude, obnoxious, assholes with huge egos? Me and her had a deep meaningful conversation and then in walks in some typical “alpha male” and I become invisible. What is it about guys like that that makes seemingly smart, nice women go crazy?

  1. This story is cap. There’s no way a woman would let a man talk to her like that AND offer to be his ride. Not with gas prices nowadays.

  2. Are you certain they weren’t together before? And she just is dating him?

  3. i’m not reading all that shit by you with the kind of title you put or with the over-generalizations that your post is riddled with

  4. She may have behaved that way because she’s a fictional character in an imaginary narrative. That seems most likely to me.

  5. I don’t see what the guy did that’s so wrong? He made a few sexually suggestive jokes that she was receptive to. Welcome to flirting 101 I guess?

  6. 1) This isn’t real
    2) She works for tips. Do men really think bartenders like them?

  7. If this story is real, these two people clearly already know each other. Nothing about this reads like a first interaction. You assuming that a bartender who’s nice and talks to you — literally her job — must be into you, and the way you talk about her as a “seemingly smart, nice woman” who’s tricked by her dumb woman brain into preferring an “alpha male” and “ring leader” that you repeatedly note is “half black,” is just red flag central. You seem to be mad at this guy just because some girl liked talking to him more than she liked talking to you. And it sounds like when she started interacting with him, and no longer just totally focusing on you, you started getting drunker and seething with rage. I wouldn’t pick you either.

  8. I’m definitely more like you but some women respond better to insults. I don’t get it either. Even though the guy seems like a dick, he is a leader and girls like that too. It’s sexy and he seems like a fun guy even if he is kind of an asshole and just wanted to fuck her.

    Power is sexy.

  9. Nice guy complaining about a confident dick getting woman. Water is wet, somethings never change.

  10. Omg….at least you had your fedora to protect you fron the rain.
    Who the hell says bar maid??

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