i have a certain disorder which makes me apathetic. when people talk about complex issues or anything emotional, i shut down. i would like any tips on how to fix this or to help me as least fake it. i want others to know that i am (at the very least) listening to their issues.

  1. I think a good way to start it’s to just show interest in the conversation – for example, nodding your head to show your keeping up, making slight face expressions as to react to what they’re saying, sometimes add to things they’re saying with simple comments like :”oh my god”, “that sounds terrible”, “i can’t belive she said that”, etc. Hope it helps 🙂

  2. Some eye contact, asking questions that indicate you were listening intently.

  3. By using cues like occasional eye contact, head nodding, making noises like “mhmm” and using words like “right”, “I see”, “yes”.

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