Original post:

a fresh start? from datingoverthirty

So, we met last night. It was mixed signals as to whether or not it was really a date. She wore an attractive, silky, black blouse that looked “date-like.” However, I offered to buy her drink (it was a QR reader) and she insisted on buying it herself. Then, the conversation was good but not necessarily romantic. She asked about my dating life in the time since we had last talked. That kind of discussion always feels like a sign of friendship. When I asked about hers she said that she was really picky and that the guys either matched her values and world view or they had good physical chemistry with her, but never both. I had to bite my tongue to stop from asking which category I fell into!

The date progressed like that, with genuinely interesting conversation but no discernable vibes. And I enjoyed it for what it was. At the end I gave her a hug goodbye and said I had fun. As I turned to go she said she enjoyed it as well and wouldn’t mind hanging out again. That felt vague, so I just asked her point blank if she saw this as a date, given where things had been left before. She said that she did and that she’d like to see me again. I was genuinely surprised.

So the plan is to go out again. I’m still going to keep seeing other people, and I’m still wary, but there seems to be genuine interest. I didn’t bring any of the old stuff up bc it didn’t feel right in the context. I think it might still come up if we continue to date, but when the moment is right. Thanks to y’all for the advice, even the guys who are sure I’m getting played. It was helpful to bounce ideas off y’all ahead of time.

  1. Thanks for the update. So long as you move lightly and keep your other options open..go forward

  2. I’m so glad you asked point blank, otherwise I would not have necessarily read this as a date! Congrats and wishing you the best on your next date 🥳

  3. Well now that you’ve gotten that awkwardness out of the way you can vibe again! Good on you for being direct!

  4. Really appreciate the update! I’m in a similar situation.

    Sounds like next time you’ll know going in that it’s a date, so you can be a bit more flirtatious and physical.

    Out of curiosity, do you wish you’d clarified up-front that it was a date? Wondering if I should do that, or just see how things shake out with my guy.

  5. Glad things went well! I hate to be a Debbie downer but if I were you, I’d enjoy it from a light, casual, fun angle but nothing more.

    Keep your options open because she will pull the same jig again. Just a matter of time. People are who they are.

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