So this year I changed into a new school and since the start of classes (early february in the country I live in) I’ve got a bit of a crush on this girl in my class. I never had any real contact with her besides being friends with some of her friends. Last friday tho, she went on lunch with me and some if my friends and we acctually hit it off pretty well. I found out she’s recently got into one of my favorite bands and have a lot in common in are experiences in past schools (she is also new). During lunch, when we took our masks off, I had the impression she kept looking at me for some long time, she’s mentioned how she’s bad at communication and a bit socially akward, so if she does like me back she probably woudn’t tell me. The catch is that i have no idea if she likes women, I think she might because later that day I posted something on my story about loving women and she replied in a agreeing way. Also, she is good friends with a guy from our class and pretty much hangs out him all the time, even having people think they are dating, so I don’t know if she likes him. Kinda of a long post, but I just needed to talk about this because it’s been eating me up and I don’t wanna end up getting hurt.

  1. I know it’s hard but the only way you’ll find out is if you ask her out g

  2. You’re already hurting by worrying about it. So relieve the pain by telling her.

  3. Think of the worst that could happen if you ask her out.

    Now imagine this scenario. 20 years from now you are standing in the bank, and who should be behind you but her, you chat for a few moments, and, just as you are called up she says “I had such a crush on you, but despite all the hints I dropped, (reddit has proven that guys are oblivious) you never asked me out, I just assumed that it was because of my horrible (whatever quality most endears her to you)

    Consider that and just ask her to go to something together.

    You need to be specific. Not “hey, I find you interesting, do you want to hang out sometime”

    Instead” I wondered if on Tuesday night you want grab a pizza with me ” it need to be somewhere where you can talk and she can leave if she wants. So it feels safe.

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