My girlfriend and I have known each other since high school and we started dating our senior year and have been together since. Now were in our jr year of college but things seem to be different for the worst. We as a couple have had our ups and downs but at the end of the day we would always be by each other and we would manage to mend things. She was by my side when i had zero to my name and was around once i was in a way more comfortable situation. She was my best friend, the only person I could truly talk about anything with. She knew all the struggles i went through as well as the rewards I earned. I would try my best and would always do as she pleased. Things started to change when i came back from a trip to my home country, i was gone for about 3 weeks and upon arrival more issues than usual came. Starting with trust problems, her thinking i was doing things in my home country when in reality i was just staying with cousins and uncles. After I got back home we only were intimate twice before she started saying she was not in the mood whenever the opportunity arose. I found it a little off but i didnt mind because that wasn’t what was keeping me around, it was the bond and relationship which we had built. Well as days went by we would stilll hangout but little by little she would start being more differnt. She wouldnt want to hold hands when walking together or would not be interested in affection such as kisses or hugs. While all this was happening i would still see her most days, I would still pick her up after classes and we would go get lunch/dinner or just go on “dates” like we had been. She then started by calling me “bestieee” in a playful manner but i didnt really give it to much attention and brushed it off. As days and weeks went by things just kept going in the same direction. She then mentioned “were just friends” without actually telling me directly that it was over. This was all around october of this past year, and we would just hangout and go on “dates” as we would when we were dating and i would give her rides to school or work aswell. I would get confused tho because when i went out with friends or was out with family, she would blow up my phone or get upset asking what i was doing or where I was, as if we were still dating. Its as if she still cared which is part of the reason im still clinging on. Until this past month i noticed she started being more distant, when i would ask what time she would work, or what she was up to , she would just brush the question off and ignore it. She wouldn’t answer texts until mid day as well as just being more “busy” and not being able to see her. She went to big concerts over this period and during one of the weekend concerts she had me blocked the whole time. She started smoking at the concerts and with friends, something that she was never down to do with me for the whole 3 years for which we dated. Sh has now been lying about when she works too. As well as now having plenty of dudes which she follows and follow her back, something which was not the case when we were together, she would only have her friends and females. There’s 2 guys who have followed her on all her medias and she admitted she texted one of them. I dont know what to do in this situation, I really love her. She had been with me through thick and thin, and was the only person I could trust with absolutely anything. I dont know if letting go is right because i still do wanna make effort to make this work. I’m just broken about all these confusing actions as well as her admitting she texted one of the guys. I would really appreciate advice on what is best to do, or any advice in general. Thank you guys.

TLDR: I have been dating my girlfriend since high school, feelings are starting t change as well as her actions towards the relationship. Stuck in the situation where i don’t know what to do, I don’t want to let go. Any advice is appreciated.

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