Maybe I’m wrong for even expecting a gift?

Full context: pal lives out of town but has to be in the office 2 days a week, he crashes at someone’s house each time which tbh is always nice (to see him). I used to feel a bit sorry for him as he’s supporting a family of four on what I thought was a modest income (for London) but I’ve since discovered he’s on a pretty decent one (fair sack more than me) so now I’m thinking it’s a bit cheeky to constantly crash for free (I have a spare room, so it’s not like I’m getting put out)?

Would love to get others gauge on this? I’ve always worked on a rule of thumb that I either buy a meal or fill a fridge with beer when I stay somewhere, but maybe that’s not everyone’s experience or expectations?

Edit: he stays with other pals too, prob once a month or less with me.

Edit 2: I feel money is a bit tight for me and my family atm if that changes anything.

Edit 3: thanks for all the perspectives, it’s not really an issue atm but good to get a sense check. If it becomes an issue I’ll just tell him I expect beers, would rather see him than not and this is roughly the only time.

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