Since age 4 I’ve always had a hard time with people. This use to result in violent fights. Mt first being in preschool. I don’t trust anyone. I don’t want friends. I’m clueless when trying to make inoffensive small talk. I curse way too much. All of my interactions that last more than 5 minutes end up negative. People who work with me say I’m extremely offensive until they get use to me. I’ve been unsuccessful in a career because I hate teachers. They have always treated me very poorly. I see the world as a bunch of animals who would eat their young if burgers weren’t available. Anyone who is rude or challenging toward me is someone I consider an enemy. It takes a lot not to hurt them. Most of the time I hate the whole world and want to burn it down. I thought of school shootings before Columbine. They are all my enemies. However logically this doesn’t make sense. Plenty of people have become successful and appear happy. They have amazing lives and get away with everything. The common factor seems to be how they treat others. I have no idea how to be kind, charming, and cool. Are there classes or someone I can pay to teach me?

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