I met this girl in skydiving course and she knew little sign language and we instantly talking about sign language. I teach her a few words of it and then we chat for a bit about skydiving. I suddenly got a little butterflies in my stomach everytime I see her or do quick smile and walk away when she walks past me. I got her Facebook and am afraid to hit her up and start talking because every time when I chat with someone, they always ghost me or stopped respond to me. I would like to ask her out as friends, maybe hangout or go to the bowling, something fun activities but afraid she might rejected and it would be awkward for both of us when we are at skydiving. What should I do?

P.S. sorry for my bad English/grammar, I’m deaf and English is my second language.

1 comment
  1. If you like her as more than friends, ask her on a date. If you ask her out as a friend she will sort you into the bin of “people who aren’t interested in dating me” in her mind… difficult bin to escape.

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