Tl;dr my boyfriend and I are long distance, I want to go on more dates. he wants to stay home most of the time but has a routine with his friends.

My boyfriend (36m) and I (30f) have been dating since late October. We went on a date the first time we met in person in late October and once again in December. We spend a lot of time just hanging out in his house watching tv. I suggest dates and he never really makes time for it and we always end up just hanging out at the house. I will cook for him to spice things up or else we are just ordering Uber eats. We are long distance, we see each other every 3-4 weeks (sometimes more) and I feel bored, I don’t feel romance.

I communicated how I felt a couple of weeks ago and he said he will take me out to the movies but I ended up just cooking at the house again. He did have me join him to get decor for his house for like 30 minutes and that was nice. I am always the commuting him which is fine but I wish he would plan something for us to do together. Or if he does he actually goes through with it. He’s been a lot of talk so far when it comes to stuff like this.

I just want to spend time with him in a different setting to than his house. I am always trying to do something new with him and it just gets pushed on the back burner. I own my own business and he works from home so I understand being tired but like does have an interest to do anything? If I ask he will say yes and then throw another idea that he never applies pressure to. Am I being impatient? What can I do to help him want to do things with me outside of the house?

It just feels familiar in a past relationship. Guy works from home and puts more effort to actually do things with friends then I am just waiting for him to agree to real plans. He says by the time I around he just wants to cuddle with me but I feel like I am trying to actually experience things with him, even if it’s trying a new I cream shop or going to a cool garden, I’ll pay! I don’t care I just want to do something without feeling like I have to go by myself each time.

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