My wife told me 2 days ago that she thinks our marriage has gone stale.

We have been together for 15 years and married for 7 of those years. She is right in saying that it has gone stale, we don’t tend to do much in the evenings after work and our sex life hasn’t been great for a couple of years. She recently started a new job which means she goes to bed a lot earlier than I do and also wakes up a couple hours before me which hasn’t helped in that department. We also have different interests and we tend to do activities apart when it comes to the weekend. She’ll go out with the girls and Il hang with the guys etc. We went through this once before but we put it down to the covid lockdown.

But I really don’t know what to do about this. What do other couples do when they get home from work other than eat dinner and watch tv? We can easily plan more things to do at weekends.

Since she has started her new job, she has been talking about a male co-worker quite a lot and they are messaging each other constantly. I wasn’t too concerned previously as he is also married but she told me recently that a rumour has gone around their office about the 2 of them which has got people talking. The nature of their roles means they spend a lot of time together at work and often go out for lunch together. So I don’t know what they could possible have left to message each other after hours.

I don’t know whether there is anything going on, she has said there isn’t but I’m not sure I believe her anymore. I do get the feeling that she wishes I was more like him though.

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