I met a guy in my class last year at my university and he seemed okay. I think we spoke like twice and then that was it and we added each other on instagram as we had mutual friends. I messaged him during the summer as he posted about a book I like which was cool and we got speaking. We just spoke about stuff we had in common, people we knew and seemed to get along as friends. Suddenly he started to leave me on delivered for weeks on end and I was so confused but I didn’t care too much and just didn’t respond to him. Anyway I saw him around campus when we went back in the summer and he was like heyyyy when he saw me, so I was like maybe I should re message him as he could have been going through something. I messaged him again and we got speaking again. Then he started doing the whole leaving me on delivered thing again and I saw him around and he completely blanked me. Then I was like fine, fuck him then! But then he came back months after and started talking again and then telling me he never ignored me and said hey and sat with me( he didn’t, he completely blanked me). Then he started asking me to go to the city with him, I said yeah as I wanted to know what was going on with him and it was so strange. I met him and he was like ‘ nice to see ya’ I was like so confused as he been blanking me for ages, he seeemd okay in the beginning but was constantly on his phone on the train, started talking about creepy stuff that was weird, got mad if I didn’t wanna go to where he wanted too, peeing and spitting constantly in the streets. He also kept talking to random strangers and shouting stuff to try and befriend them and some people looked at him like he was mad or something. Then on the train back he was drawing weird images of like naked men with chainsaws and was trying to get me to sign document he had, super weird and I declined it. He told me he had a bag of pig feet coming to his accommodation as he apparently eats them. Then he was okay one the walk to university accommodation but I dunno it was strange.
Never messaged me again after it, then suddenly weeks later he has tickets to some event and wants me to go, I say yeah because I’m super bored and it was just weird af. He was okay for a bit, then he started wanting food and I suggested some good places and he was like no I wanna go to this dodge place as food poisoning is well cool and I get turned on by it and had this excited look on his face. We went to see the tribute act and he was trying to befriend randoms again and literally going up to random people with families and just being way over the top with them and I was just not even included in these conversations at all. Then he claims he’s so amazing for befriending new people and how he’s better than me for it. Then after we went to a pub and he started asking me about my relationships, how many people I’ve slept with and genuinely uncomfortable questions. On the walk back to the train we had to go up like 50 feet of stairs and he walked so far ahead of me it was unreal, especially when these chavs was following us and it’s like he didn’t care less about me. Then he started peeing again in public and I was like that’s so gross at least go somewhere private and he was like I don’t care less and he asked me if I wanted to pee in his spot. He then spat right by me in the floor. Then we miss the train back and he has to book a Uber and he completely blanks me and sits by the Uber driver and tries to befriend him. Get back to uni and I blocked him!

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