So we went hiking today as we normally do every weekend. Everything was fine and we were having a good time. As we neared the end of the trail we had to climb up a bunch of rocks to get back to his car. This is the part where I ALWAYS without fail get extremely dizzy and lightheaded. I feel as though after 3 years of being together and the amount of times we’ve gone hiking he would develop some sort of understanding when I get like this. He kept trying to talk to me and give me advice and I kept telling him to just be quiet and that I needed the silence. I could tell he was getting upset but in my mind it’s like why do you keep trying to converse with me when it’s clear I am not in the mood? We eventually get up to the parking lot and he runs ahead to the car. I THOUGHT he did this so he could get the doors unlocked and the windows rolled down but I was wrong. As I got to the car I tried to open my door and it was still locked. When I pulled on the handle he looked at me like I was stupid. I pulled on it again and he just made a confused face. I started to get very irritated because I was literally on the verge of passing out. I couldn’t see anything except black spots and I just wanted to sit down. I start to pull on the handle more while telling him to open the door. He looked at me in disbelief like he couldn’t believe I was acting that way. I eventually start to raise my voice while saying his name and telling him to unlock the door. He FINALLY unlocks it and as soon as I sit down he says “god why are you acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum right now?”. I said, “I’m about to pass out and you weren’t unlocking the door”. He then started to shake a cup of ice by head and I pushed it away and told him to leave me alone. He got pissed off and started to drive away. Eventually he says “don’t do that again” and I said “do what?”. He said “throw a temper tantrum like that”. I said, “(His name), you were taking forever to unlock the door and I was clearly not doing well”. He then says “That’s not what I said”. We don’t speak until we get back to his apartment and I say, “why are you so mad?”, and he says “what you did was disgusting and it gave me the ick”. I then say once again, “I was expecting you to have the door unlocked and you didn’t. You then took forever to unlock the door, it’s like you were doing it on purpose.” He then said “I don’t care”. We haven’t talked since he said that. I don’t know why he is so upset with me. It was so extremely obvious that I was not doing well and he didn’t have any type of concern for how I was feeling.

Is him saying he got the “ick” valid at all? And am I just being dramatic about this or something…please let me know.

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