Women who married young: Why do it?

  1. Because I am very in love with the man and he is the kind of romantic match that I never thought it was possible to find.

  2. My mom was moving back in with her ex and I didn’t want to be around him because he was an alcoholic and we didn’t have a good relationship. I didn’t want to live with my then boyfriend without being married either. We’ll celebrate 12 years this year, I’m so grateful that he’s always been someone I could trust and turn to. Love him to pieces.

  3. I wouldn’t tell anyone what age they should or shouldn’t marry. I got married at 22 because it made sense to me. I was with the guy I planned on spending forever with so we got married. That was 28 years ago.

  4. I’m 21 and while technically not married yet, I’m engaged and getting married this summer. We’re doing it because obviously we love each other, we both want kids soon, and also there’s a lot of financial benefits to marriage.

  5. Ok the obvious answer. Dealing with kids as you get older is harder! Better to have kids younger! You’ll have the energy

  6. We both wanted to and felt so sure of it. Plus where we grew up it was the social norm to be married before 25 and it was heavily encouraged too. So we didn’t know anything different really. We’re divorced now though, was married for six years and had a kid. I have no regrets as it taught me so much about love, risks, and marriage itself.

  7. My mom told me that no man would ever want me or love me, so I’d better take the offer since it was my only chance.

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