How did you guys find the meaning of life?

  1. There’s no such thing, at least not if you take existentialist philosophy seriously. Instead, you are free to either decide for yourself what your own life means, and work toward making that meaning a reality, or abdicate and let somebody decide that for you. You can either embrace the Absurd, rebel against it, or abdicate through suicide.

    But God is dead and there is no inherent purpose or meaning to life in general. We live in an insouciant universe indifferent to human ideals and our search for meaning and purpose.

  2. I wouldn’t say I have found a singular “meaning of life” but I do know that nothing makes me feel better than laughing with family and friends, so I try to do that as much as I can. Do what makes you happy as much as you can and LIVE IN THE MOMENT while it’s happening. Life goes by so quick.

  3. I’m still searching, but there have been moments that have made life worth living…
    – when I got my first bike
    – first kiss
    – receiving my engineering degree
    – getting married
    – my 6 month old crawling towards me when I came home from work to give me a tight hug
    – receiving a promotion

    and life goes on

  4. There isn’t one, and that’s a good thing. Means you can choose your own path and make your own meaning.

  5. Honestly, this is going to sound corny but through intense suffering and deep meditation. The meaning of life is such that it’s prior to thought. Meaning that the ability to describe it with language is at best inherently flawed and only pointing in the right direction. The closest answer is Love. Everything that means anything you will find in life is all about love.

  6. Stop looking for it

    As cliche as it sounds, that’s the case. Think of it like this: y’know when you’re looking for your phone and completely forget you’re holding onto it (we’ve all been there) or you forget something important you wanted to remember. You only realize you were holding it when you stop searching and just take step back for a moment. Or you’ll remember that thing when you’re laying in bed that night when it isn’t important any more. If you fixate too hard on the search, you’ll never find it.

    Just live in the moment. Have a good time, be a good person, vibe. You’ll realize you’ve had your answer when you reflect back on your life later on

  7. I took time focusing on myself and working on personal changes and taking care of my mental health to realize that there is no ONE meaning to life.

    Everyone always jump to the meaning OF life being one thing, whether it be love, happiness, wealth, family.

    Life is made up of so many things. You have a mental life, work life, a love life, a home life and probably more that I can’t think of that others can mention.

    Each one effects you differently, but in turn each one also effects your entire life combined.

    Stress at work effects your mental health and can be carried over to personal life and cause issues in a part of your life that it has absolutely no reason to be there.

    Love can have a huge effect on your mental life and health. If you are going through rough times with a spouse, it’s mentally draining you whether you know it or not, which is very common. And that can and most likely will effect your work performance.

    You need a job that makes you not stress outside of it. Yes moments can happen, and things can get to you. But you cannot bring it home.

    Being unhappy or upset about work, can lead to not wanting to go, and some people will take that risk and just no show. Side note, those with mental health battles, go through this a lot. Thus leading to financial struggle if living in a area where employment is currently sparse.

    So now you, have no job, and possibly soon to be without a home.

    Two parts of your life effected by one, and it doesn’t matter what combination you put them in, these will almost always come back together.

    So that’s why I realized that I need to be proud and happy of whatever I do in ALL parts of my life and that there is no one true meaning.

    Because life is just one big puzzle, all the pieces have different dimensions, but when you put them together to provide one bigger picture, you get a happy and proud feeling about it.

    Make all those prices of your life fit together perfectly, and you will get that outcome all the same.

  8. The first time I think it was at block buster?

    In all seriousness and monty python jokes aside hough I thought life was much more than it was cracked up to be. It may be and I’ve settled ? I’m not sure.

    Project muscle cars
    Running muscle car
    Project motorcycles
    Running motorcycles
    Easy women
    Tasty food
    Shenanigans with the boys

  9. your sense of meaningfulness is an orienting mechanism, like your attention. The parallels between the two helped me understand how to handle the second, more complex orienting mechanism (meaning)

    Like there is not a single ‘correct’ attention to have (thing to hold your attention, or place to put your attention) for more than a short time, there is not a single ‘most’ meaningful life. If there is something going on, you will enter a state of attentiveness. If nothing is going on that you find important, you will enter a state of boredom. To successfully navigate the challenges of life, you will go into and out of these states, as needed, in order to survive and thrive in your ever changing environment. Likewise you will go into and out of the states of meaningfulness and meaninglessness. Of course, you will always be going away from one of those, towards the other.

    Every independent being has it’s own sensory organs, calculating center for the data these organs collect (brain), and thus its own decisions to make concerning information processing. Each living being uses orienting mechanisms to evaluate the objects and concepts of their environment (and point towards the high value things!). So each being, independently of all the other beings which may or may not exist around them, must steer their own attention (and sense of meaning). Not only that, each being has different needs, different capabilities, starts in a different place, etc. How could you expect all these different beings to all hold their own individual attentions to the same place?

    So when people ask, what is the right thing to pay attention to, or, what is THE meaning of life? they are asking a nonsense question. They are really asking something like, what is the right thing for -all the beings- to pay attention to? ‘Cause they assume there is a single ‘right’ answer to the value question. Imagine asking for a directions for 1000 people scattered across a city, each in a different place, going a different direction, at different speeds in different vehicles and shoes….and expecting one response to suffice for all 1000 people.

    can’t be done

    So you gotta work on finding an answer for YOU. Don’t ask for ‘the’ directions, ask for your directions. And if nothing seems meaningful for you in your life, (if you don’t know where to go), then all you can do expand your life, explore around until you hit something that seems to interest you (or, lol, until something hits you). Youth is a lot like locking someone in a room where nothing happens (math class), and being surprised as the get so bored they fall asleep. Fuck math class, jump out the window and go do shit.

    Go do random shit. Your experiences, good and bad, will help you learn about yourself, and your world, until meaning will just suddenly appear, like a camera lens focusing.

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