
I have been going to this gym for about a month now.
It is great and I enjoy it there, but a few weeks ago I caught the attention of someone I find attractive.
All being well and good we continue to stare at each other, so I decided to ask him to show me around as a like ‘hey would you like to spend sometime with me?”
He told me “he’s not a personal trainer”
I felt embarrassed but still went back because I like the gym and it wasn’t the end of the world.

But then the eye contact continues and am like hmm maybe he does like me.

The eye contact is reciprocated.

But today I just had a scary thought of what if the eye contact is not healthy.

Is this how you guys handle these things because I am alittle confused.


  1. He probably thought that you viewed him as a worker there, for a lot of us men asking out women at the gym is sort of taboo and you might have been ambiguous about it.

    If this continues tell him you want to go out with him on a date, that’ll give you your answer.

  2. If eye contact and smiles keep happening then try striking up a conversation. It doesn’t even have to be gym related though it would make the most sense.

    You can drop subtle or not so subtle hints to let him know you are single and that will hopefully be enough to move the conversation in that direction.
    If he’s still not interested in chatting and doesn’t ask more about you then you can probably assume he’s not interested or he’s just trying to get his workout in and doesn’t want to be bothered.

  3. guys do stare at the gym sometime its just off into the distance, he may have not know you were looking at him, also you can’t be two blunt with guys you should specifically asked if he want to go out on a date

  4. You’re a dork.

    >hey would you like to spend sometime with me

    Sounds like something someone would say to a trainer, yes. Ask him out for a coffee if you like him.

  5. Healthy relationships are based on open and honest communication between mature consenting adults who treat each other with respect and share common interests and compatible life goals.

    Try that.

  6. Healthy relationships are based on open and honest communication between mature consenting adults who treat each other with respect and share common interests and compatible life goals.

    Try that.

  7. Healthy relationships are based on open and honest communication between mature consenting adults who treat each other with respect and share common interests and compatible life goals.

    Try that.

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