So a guy (32) and I (24) work for the same company. We run into each other every now and then and started hitting it off. Followed each other on social media, started texting back and forth and he invited me to his friend’s birthday party.

I thought it was a good idea to “take the pressure off” of a first date, and once there he was asking me a lot of questions about myself and seemed genuinely interested, but there were a lot of distractions, and eventually mid conversation his boss got there and he got up so he could sit, leaving me with him and standing all the way across the room.

I was a little puzzled and uncomfortable so l decided to leave after a while. I said bye to everyone and he asked if I wanted him to walk me out and I told him not to worry, and thanked him for inviting me.

I thought I might have come off as rude, and a couple of days later he replied to my Instagram story, so I took that as an opportunity and replied saying I had fun and would love to hang out again. He apologized for not being able to talk more and suggested making plans for next week.
That’s what I found a little tricky. He said “We’ll make plans this week, you’ll see!” in my mind I thought “well, if he wanted to make plans then we would” but I assumed he was busy and just told him to let me know and that was that.

Since then, we’ve bumped into each other and before he was always super nice and would make conversation, or at the very least smile and say hi, now he won’t even look my way! He walks by and pretends I’m not there, so l opted for doing the same, even though it makes me a little uncomfortable.

I already made peace with the fact that he’s not interested, but I just wonder why he would be so flirty and attentive at when we talked and at the party, just to drop me and then suggest hanging out, and then end up ignoring me?

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