So there’s this girl I’ve seen in the library and today I noticed her get up and I looked up and she was already looking at me and she smiled. I was nervous so I looked down but I don’t want her to think I’m not interested. School is ending very soon, and I am desperate for anybody to hang out with, so I would be perfectly fine with just being friends with her. I’ve never said anything to her, and I don’t know her name either. How should I start a conversation with her, assuming I see her again in the library? I am in high school and have never approached a girl before

  1. Girls love snacks. Grab a classic snack you could share and walk up and say I can’t finish this do you want it? And she’ll say yes or no. If she says yes, she could be interested back. Then you can ask her name when she takes them and strike up a conversation about something nearby… where’d you get your back back that’s awesome or your notebooks cool.. keep it short for the first interaction. Then offer another snack a few days later. Good icebreaker and if she’s got no interest whatsoever she’ll probably just say no.

    Heck if all you can do is ask to borrow a pencil that at least gives you a proper reason to chat a bit and introduce yourself.

  2. How about: “Hey!” ? Just a FYI u don’t have to come up with elaborate pick up lines. Next time she looks and smiles at u (u kinda knows she’s open to communication) just go for it! Just wave and say hi. It’s that easy

    Judging by your text, your not the “smooth playboy” (for a better lacking of words) so don’t try to be one! Be awkward and shit! As long as u stay respectful it’s np!

    Edit: thought of a funny one that might help!
    Print a fake cover that says: How to ask out pretty girls in the library. Hold it so she can see it when u walk towards her!

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