Ans how do Europeans mainly eat fruit? Just as a snack? For juice?

  1. Depends a lot on the country but also on the individual.

    Personally,I eat fresh fruit everyday.I mostly stick with what is in season, and what is comparatively ‘local’…in my case, Sicilian or Italian.

    So, peaches in early summer for example,or oranges in mid winter.

    I mostly eat fruit either for breakfast or as a snack in the afternoon,or after lunch.

    I very rarely drink juice here.Commercial juices almost never,too much sugar for me, but occasionally I make my own fresh juice.

    When I’m traveling (I am away from home quite a lot) I like to try whatever is local.

  2. I am not a juice person at all (okay, maybe tomato juice). But I love fruit and eat it every day. In winter it’s usually apples, pears, oranges, banana, etc. In summer I tend to eat my body weight in watermelon. If I am in Turkey, I eat lots of peaches, apricots, cherries, whatever I can find. We have amazing produce. 

    My husband is German, and he would never eat fruit if I didn’t buy it and remind him. He’s more into vegetables.

  3. Every day. I usually pick the seasonal fruits, as they’re cheaper and/or more tasty than imported fruit, or fruit grown in greenhouses. You can buy pretty much everything all year round, but price, quality and availability change with the seasons.

  4. Everyday 2 or 3 pieces of fruit. Bananas and pineapple all year because it’s imported. Other fruits usually national, so depends on season, oranges, kiwi, apples, peaches, strawberry, melon, pomegranate, persimmon… I think I like all the fruits. Juice hardly ever

  5. I have to eat more fruit – usually I forget if it’s not in front of my eyes. Usually go for oranges/apples/bananas, but I love a good seasonal watermelon/cantaloupe/peach.

  6. Once or twice per day as a breakfast or dessert.

    For the fruits, it depends of the seasons but mostly:

    Pear, apple, banana, blueberries, watermelon, mandarins, apricots, mango, quince, fig, plums…

  7. Like once a week? I live in a big city, so there’s not much that’s not available. The more exotic ones I eat regularly are mango steen, granadilla or passion fruit. The more common ones are mango, avocado or bananas. Apples and (nashi) pears too. But I definitely enjoy trying new stuff when I see it.

  8. Every day, or almost every day, usually after a meal. What fruit I eat depends on the season.

  9. I eat fruit every day, usually before breakfast and maybe two or three times as a snack. It depends on the season, right now there´s not a big variety. In winter it´s oranges, tangerines, or persimmons. In summer there´s plenty of fruits, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, melons, etc. I like to pick fruits outside, in my parents´ garden, in forests, or public orchards.

  10. I eat a whole lot of it, I love fruit. I have it as a snack or dessert for the most part, but every year at apple season we get a stock of freshly pressed and pasteurised apple juice from my in-laws.

    Year-round I mostly eat pears, grapes, and oranges, then it’s whatever is in season. Peaches, apricots, plums, figs, cherries, all sorts of berries. When I visit my family in Portugal, depending on season, I eat pineapple, mango, pitaya, passion fruit, tree tomato, persimmon, pomegranate, sugar apple, loquat, lychie, and if I’m very, very lucky, the fruit of the strawberry tree.

    I could happily live eating only fruit.

  11. About a fruit or two every day. Banana, apples and oranges all year round. Pomegranates, mandarines, grapes, watermelons, etc whenever it’s season. Or, if I really want, then it could be basically anything any time of a year, but the taste will  be way worse. Also, I grow some fruits and berries at my tiny garden, so summer and early autumn is the tastiest time for me.

  12. I more or less addicted to fruit.

    My dietician has ordered me to restrict fruit consumption to 5 pieces a day. For each type of fruit, the weight of the piece is documented or the number of individual pieces.

    Before that, on Saturdays, I bought anything between 15 and 25 kilos of fruit every week for a family of 4. And usually, it was all gone by Fridaynight. Nowadays, my partner and I eat less than 5 kg of fruit per week.

    There is a market in Antwerpen where I can get quality seasonal fruit at prices significantly lower than supermarket. Many vendors are from around the Mediterranean, so fruits (and veggies) tend to be from that area too.

    I used to buy by the crate. A crate of oranges (15kg). A crate of peaches (2kg). A crate of figs (2kg).

    Enough choice… Strawberries. Melons (watermelon, cantelouppe…). Grapes. Mangos. Lichees. Dragonfruit. Apples. Pears. Apricots. Prunes. Kaki. Passionfruit. Banana. Pineapples… The cloice is more divers than in any supermarket, the quality is better. And I often get a discount for buying bulk.

    There used to be a habit on Sundaymorning to only eat fruit for breakfast. I installed myself at the table and starting peeling –if needed– whatever the rest of the family wanted to eat.

    Our own kids have left the house in the mean time, but grandchildren already know granddad has a lot of fruit and will peel whatever they like 🙂

    Fruits are typically eating for breakfast, or in the afternoon. Never *after* a meal.

  13. I eat fruit daily, in most cases twice a day.

    The selection is mostly local (so Italian/Mediterranean) and seasonal, so obviously summer is my favourite season for fruit as we have a great variety, and all my favourite fruits grow in summer (peaches, figs, grapes especially Isabella Grape etc.).

    I often eat it as lunch/dinner dessert, since I don’t have midmorning or midafternoon snacks often.

  14. Daily , mainly bananas and apples sometimes oranges during winter and preserved fruits (my mom makes them): pears , grapes , peaches.

    During summer/autumn whatever is in season nectarines(my favorites) cherries , sour cherries, grapes,strawberries , quince , raspberries , blackberries , pears , cranberries , watermelon , apples , peaches, cranberries , figs.

    I buy them from the local market and my parents grow a lot of varied fruits in the country side and I visit and help them during some weekends ..I get fruits in return .

    Mainly eat them as they are ,as a snack or an evening meal ( fruit salad type of thing with some yogurt)

  15. Every day, and it depends on the season because I simply follow my gut instinct. For instance I spent the whole winter binge-eating hazelnuts and peanuts again. The real ones in their shell, not the super salty processed stuff.

    Now I switched to the summer regimen and started craving a dozen of different fruits. Three months from now I’ll binge-eat the garden: pomegranates, berries, tomatoes… And then I’ll harvest a full winter of hazelnuts and apples to eat them in autumn.

    The cycle of fruits.

    All in all, I must eat 3-400gr of fruits a day. Complete with 200gr of vegetables in summer, 400gr in winter. I think this is all about education: I grew up like that as a kid, now it’s not only normal but my body asks for it too. Conversely I couldn’t binge-eat sugary snacks even if I wanted to, because I quickly find them disgustingly sweet.

  16. Every now and then. I don’t enjoy food and eating fruits is like a chore because it’s not a dinner I need to live.

  17. I would say I eat fruit 4-5 times per week. I must say I have been a bit disappointed with the fruit selection in Scotland.

  18. I eat fruit basically every day. The selection available is okay. Every supermarket has at least two kinds of apples, oranges, bananas, and pears.
    Other than that you may find grapes (red and white), pomegranate, peaches, plums, apricots… I’m sure there’s other kinds of fruit available but I don’t care about that so I wouldn’t notice.

    But my go-to fruits are apples and bananas. I have them every day for breakfast (with oat and rye flakes muesli and yoghurt) or as a snack in between.

    Sometimes I have two apples and two bananas and that’s my dinner, but those are rare days.

    Summer is best, though, as it’s berry time. Blue berries, raspberries, strawberries… Just on their own or with yoghurt. Perfect.
    Strawberries and whipped cream make for a rather decent dessert.

    Back in the 90s we sometimes had fruit salad for dinner: just apples, bananas, pears, grapes sliced and cut and… That’s it. But I haven’t had that in about 25 years.

  19. I try to eat fruit everyday, thanks for reminding me.

    More as a snack, than anything else, or as part of the breakfast sometimes. Juice rarely, also mostly only from oranges.

    I mostly eat regional, seasonal fruit. Apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, blackberry, tomato?.. During winter, we get mandarines and clementines, it is traditional to get them around the time of St. Nicholas (6th December). Kiwis are cool too.

  20. Daily, and depends what is in season. I occasionally order fruit from companies that send you stuff direct from farmers. Mostly Europe, but next week I should have a box of mangosteens and mangoes coming.

  21. It depends on the season, I usually eat fruit almost every day but during summer I eat a LOT of strawberries and cherries.

    During winter I mostly eat pineapples, oranges, and clementines.

    During autumn we have the most amazing apples in Sweden. During apple season you can simply take a walk around a neighbourhood and most people with apple trees will have a small crate out on the street with free apples.

    During summer I also eat a lot of yellow mangos, I prefer them over normal mangos.

    My parents also have a lot of raspberry bushes so when I’m there I usually pick a couple of kilos. A lot of Sweden is covered in bilberry ‘bushes’ so I also eat a lot of those; especially in pie format haha

  22. I don’t keep track but just a typical day for me:
    Granola with yogurt and usually strawberries, blueberries, a banana, maybe an apple sliced into it – maybe a pear if it’s nice. It depends. Some are better in season – I just go with my instincts on it.

    I’d usually have fruit after my lunch – could be a banana, maybe a couple mandarins or similar, a pear or something like that, I might eat grapes, melon…

    I might have more random fruit after dinner. I just tend to snack on it if it’s there.

    I’d say I probably eat minimum 7 pieces of fruit a day.

  23. I’m Finnish and I don’t eat fruits (or berries) a lot. Maybe couple of bananas every week.

    In summer time I eat some fresh strawberries and watermelon as a snack or dessert.

    Rarely I buy an orange, tangerine, avokado, or apple. Lemon and lime I use for cooking. Very boring selection really.

  24. In Granada, Spain, you can get chirimoyas, fruit of passion, kiwis, and other tropical fruits that grow by the coast. Last time I checked, oranges and lemons were cheap in the South of Spain. We also have granada, caquis, pears and apples and mangoes. I do not know how it goes in Mexico, though.

  25. It depends on the season. In winter, I usually eat oranges or mandarins 2-3 times a week. In summer, I eat watermelons and honeydew melons almost every day. In fall and spring, I prefer to eat dried plums or apples with oatmeal once a week.

  26. Most of the year, the fruit selection at Danish supermarkets is limited to grapes, apples, pears, plums, peaches & nectarines, bananas, nightshades, mangoes, kiwis, legumes, avocados, some cucurbits and pineapples.

    When in season, pomegranates, apricots, persimmons, melons, figs, papayas, dragonfruit, cherries and passionfruit

    Edit: Forgot dates and citrus, which can be had year-round

  27. I eat fruits multiple times per day – I don’t really count how often, I just eat them when I’m hungry and I don’t have the time to make a larger meal. Lots of bananas, apples, pears, grapes. Basically whatever looked fresh in the store when I went there. Plus I usually buy some frozen strawberries and/or a mix of berries and blend them with kefir and whey protein.

  28. Every day. Today for example I ate mango in a salad. Its delicious and sweet, perfect for blue cheese.

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