Right now the only thing I can think of is Rock Climbing as thats of interest to me. It also has beginer courses and group events so I’m hoping it’ll go well.

I want to do other things though. I’m not a sporty person, no clue why rock climbing interests me but it does and I imagine the other people there will be sporty and I won’t fit in to much.

I’m very “nerdy” really like computers and all there is about it, coding, building, video games etc.

I want more options to meet people but, don’t know where to start and no school isn’t an option so join a club or sport at school isn’t a suggestion I really welcome (i’m in a club and have tried others school just isn’t an enviorment I can really meet “new” people)

Any suggestions? I’d like to to be something I can ease into as well like rock climbing. Also I am only 16 so it can’t be something I need to be 18.


1 comment
  1. I’ll give this a shot!

    ###Twenty Tips For Teens To FIND Friends

    1. Bicycling club/races. Find places where kids bike.
    2. Bicycle around your neighborhood, or nearby neighborhoods.
    3. Gaming store, gaming club, gaming events.
    4. See if anyone in your neighborhood is into your kind of games (put up a sign). They don’t have to be exactly your age, within a few years is close enough.
    5. Workout at the YMCA. Teen events at the Y. (not necessarily sports, but fitness) Become a volunteer or even employee at the Y.
    6. See if there’s a local coding club, or maybe one associated with a homeschool group that you could join.
    7. Post a sign in your neighborhood that you’re willing to TEACH coding to kids. (definitely want to charge money for this) Great way to make friends, make money and become a ‘known quantity’ for your skills.) You don’t have to be an expert, just more knowledgeable than the kids you’re teaching.
    8. Part-time job somewhere nearby. Fast food usually has LOTS of teenagers working, as do grocery stores.
    9. Volunteer work. (look around to find something that attracts teens or offers ‘service hours’ for teens who need them for school) Maybe a pet shelter.
    10. Go to a local summer camp this summer. (day camp or overnight if your parents can afford it)
    11. Become a COUNSELOR at a local summer camp. You’ll meet other teen counselors AND make money!
    12. Take a martial arts class. (vet the places first to make sure there are kids your age)
    13. Go to a local skateboard park. If you don’t do that you could still hang out there and get to know people.
    14. If you have a church, join the youth group.
    15. Take your dog to a dog park and strike up conversations with kids your age. If you don’t have a dog, go to a dog park and take an interest in dogs owned by other teenagers.
    16. Go to the local public pool this summer.
    17. Take a lifeguarding class.
    18. Get involved with local community theater if they have something for youth. You don’t have to be on stage, you could be behind the scenes doing something useful and helping the main players.
    19. See if the local library has anything going on for youth.
    20. Join 4-H.

    And I will add…

    ###TEN Tips For Teens To MAKE Friends

    1. Have a conversation with a new person EVERY day.
    2. Add 10-20 percent more enthusiasm to how you normally speak. (many people don’t realize they speak close to a monotone or with low energy)
    3. Invite someone to do something with you EVERY week. (the only way to get over ‘fear of rejection’ is to punch it in the face)
    4. Be playful with people. Don’t take life (or yourself) too seriously.
    5. Use a big ‘Celebrity Smile’ when you meet someone. Use a smaller ‘hint of a smile’ while you’re talking with people.
    6. Be more positive than negative. Be uplifting, not a downer.
    7. Take a true interest in other people. Ask them questions and remember the answers.
    8. Think of yourself as an ‘initiator.’ Be THAT PERSON WHO DOES THAT.
    9. Add warmth to your tone. That tone of voice you use with your dog or cat? (or your neighbor’s dog or cat?) Be THAT friendly.
    10. Use large body language. Mind/body work together. Reach to the sky. Take up more space. Walk boldly. Be AWESOME!

    Just gonna add this article I wrote in case confidence is an issue:

    ###[Confidence: How To Get It If You Don’t Have It](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPRForYourSocialLife/comments/10x82xu/confidence_how_to_get_it_if_you_dont_have_it/)

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