I apologize in advance if this sounds like rambling, I just need to vent and hope to gain advice!

As the title states, my boyfriend and I have been in a rut and haven’t been on the same page for about a week now. We have been together for 6 months and this is our first string of arguments and I feel like we are stuck on how to move past this.

For context, we are a medium-distance couple (about 45 minutes away from each other) and see each other about 1-2 times a week (used to be 2-3 times a week but our schedules have been hectic). He works in finance and just finished tax season but is still dealing with extensions and other tasks that are thrown at him nonstop. I try to be as understanding and supportive as possible with him because I know he is tired and stressed but I feel like my needs aren’t being met. And when I ask what he feels and he feels like I do support him but am equally as frustrated with him and it doesn’t make him feel good. I really do try to not take any of what he is dealing with personally and try to give him grace because his work is much more intense than my job.

We have been frustrated with each other constantly and it worries me. I know we both love each other and still see each other as long-term and want to make it work to get back on track. I just miss the feeling of excitement and love and I know he does too but with this rut, I feel like it’s been stagnant. I know he is also stressed outside of work with wanting to move out of his parents and he just overall doesn’t feel the best about himself. I feel like with both of our love languages being quality time and we haven’t been able to see each other as much, that’s putting a strain on the relationship too (we have done phone calls and Facetime but that only goes so far).

Is this normal to be in a rut like this and is it something we can move past? I know we are both tired of being frustrated with each other and want to move on.

Also he doesn’t know this but I have a beach weekend planned for us starting tomorrow so I am hoping that’s a good start to being on the same page again. Once again, I am sorry if this seems so jumbled!

TL;DR- boyfriend and I have been on the same page for almost a week and we both want to get back on track.

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