Met a lot of people in college and being from LA people had a lot of different places they can say they are from. On one hand, New York is obviously cool but I knew a lot of people from New York. Didn’t know many people from Nebraska but that is because there isn’t much to do there. What is your vote?

  1. imho really rural Alaska, because they’d probably have an interesting upbringing that other people would be curious about.

  2. Probably Alaska. Considering I live all the way over on the east coast, and considering how few people are there, Alaska would be pretty unexpected.

  3. I mean, Wyoming has the least amount of people so technically we are the rarest! Only .16% of Americans are Wyomingites

  4. if i met someone and they said they were from Copper Harbor I’d stop and be like “really?” like, i didnt think people could be from there lol

  5. Met a guy from Guam. I also met twins from Unalakleet, Alaska which is way up there and not able to be reached by road. I met a my friends grandma who has lived her whole life on Chebeague Island which is *just* off the coast near Portland, ME. Like less than a mile. Population 341. She was a hoot.

  6. I get a lot of excitement when I say NY. It’s usually followed by NYC or NYS?

  7. Salt Lake City. The Mormon-ness is so completely integrated into regular life there.

  8. Random small town that is close to your native random small town but in a location thousands of miles away.

  9. I was a military kid, so I’m kind of used to meeting Americans from all over the US and the world. 

    I was most fascinated by meeting someone who had been born in, raised in, went to college in, and still worked in the same 50 mile radius. 

    That was amazing to me. 

  10. I’m from a small town in Indiana. I moved to a small town in Washington with a very niche lab job. 3 other techs were from that same small town and I knew their kids. Was strange

  11. My fun fact is I’m from the oldest “known” settlement in Texas. Texas itself isn’t that interesting imo but being from the oldest town is kinda cool.

  12. Maybe Puerto Rico? If it has to be a state, I’d say rural Alaska or Hawaii. Next would maybe be Manhattan, just because I’m a West coaster.

  13. As someone born and raised in a territory (Guam), I’m surprised- but also not- to see it mentioned here. Some are surprised, and others are very unaware of it being a US territory.

  14. Gonna say Rhode Island cause it’s so small. And I was in Europe and randomly met someone from Rhode Island and my reaction was ‘oh wow I’ve never met someone from Rhode Island’ and he said that’s the reaction he gets every time.

    If not that, then Hawaii cause it’s also small and also cool islands.

  15. I’ve met a couple people from Alaska and Hawaii. They’re always interesting, great stories of growing up amd living in a way that is very different from what I know.

  16. I think Hawaii because it’s so far away. I don’t even know that I’ve ever met anyone from there, and only know a couple people who have ever been.

  17. In TX we have sooooooooooo many people moving here and it feels like most of the people I talk to either came here from the NYC area, Southern or Bay-Area California, or Chicagoland. I’m always super interested when people are from somewhere I don’t hear often. I love hearing about the lives of people who grew up down in Hawaii or somewhere way up in the Rockies or the Cascades.

  18. Alaska or Hawaii. But if you’re more nerdy, point Robert’s or northwest angle.

  19. My husband is from Santa Claus. A lot of people get a kick out of that when they hear it.

  20. The Florida Keys, specifically Key West. It’s gotta be pretty interesting to live there.

  21. I’d like to meet someone from that little part of Minnesota only accessible from Canada.

  22. Gardiners Island. The largest privately owned island in the United States. Has belonged to the same family since the early 1600s, they have a large manor and rule the island like old world aristocracy. It’s shrouded in secrecy since no one is allowed on the island. They say there’s buried treasure on the island

  23. If we’re counting them, any of the territories other than Puerto Rico (only because it’s not uncommon to meet people from Puerto Rico). I’ve met maybe 1 person from Guam.

  24. The most interesting place to find someone is from is the same place I’m from.

    I meet people from all kinds of places, but the one that really gets me interested in talking with them is when I find out they came from the place where I grew up; then I want to compare notes, see if they went to the same places I did, what other things we both recognize, talk about familiar things…

    For me personally, I’m from Northern California, just around the Bay Area. I’d often meet people from California, but they’d be from Southern California, which is effectively a whole separate state.

    For whatever reason, I don’t see too many people from my neck of the woods. It was always special the few times I had that in common with someone.

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