Okay so this doesn’t really fit I guess but I’ve liked this boy for three years and I want unbiased opinions if he could possibly like me back. I’ll start with recent situations. I had english with him and it was super scary because I knew no one and was sobbing and he wrote me a note asking if I was okay and when I explained that the people in the class made me uncomfortable he got up and offered to sit on the other side of the room (that side only had like two people) and then I told him I didn’t know because I was nervous someone would judge me for moving and then he picked my stuff up with his and moved over to the other side and then I moved and it was silly. And then he asked our teacher if we could be partners and so me, him, and two others was in a team thing and we would almost only talk to me despite him being good friends with one of our team members. And then he would always help me and stick up for me when people in the class was being mean AND HE EVEN STOPPED SOMEONE FROM HARASSING ME and then when we would play blooket if he won he would share his candy with me!! And then, the team asked him to be brutally honest with them and told him to say mean things to them and then he didn’t say anything mean to me and just said, “I hope you fail all your classes because you’re so smart” OH AND HE ALSO TOOK MY PHONE AMD TOOK OVER 500 PHOTOS. He also tried to take a photo of me and send it to his mom. He’s also asked me to join classes with him. Skip forward a few months (we no longer have any classes together) and my friend ended up asking him how he felt about me which he replied by saying “none ya”. My friend then told him that I liked him and he texted me asking if I wanted to hang out with him and get ice cream. I told him yeah and on the day we was walking to his car when he asked one of his friends to be his wingman. He took me to his car, put my bag in the back and we went to his house. When we got there he opened my door and grabbed my bag. We go in and we put on the hobbit. We was originally going to go to a restaurant but he instead told me he’d cook for me (It was absolutely delicious btw). We then went for ice cream and then he started asking me about a subject that I’m interested in as a career (I only mentioned it once briefly a while back) and he told me he might take it. He eventually took me home and my family wanted to meet him. I accidentally left my phone in his car and he offered to get it with me and when we got back in I heard his mom talk about how we was both really nervous. when we got back in my home my mom told us that if we wanted to go on more dates that it had to be supervised and he responded by saying, “we’re just friends” and after a bit they left. He’s kinda dry over text and I’m not sure what to do, I over think everything he does and he sometimes leaves my snaps on open (I’m kinda scared to text him most of the time so I snap instead)

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