I started really noticing it a year ago when we were moving. I was disassembling his computer desk to get ready for a big move coming up and that’s when I found his first stash. He would pick his nose and then smear it on the underside of his desk. There were hundreds… it was covered. He had also been wiping them on the wall next to him.

I obviously brought it up to him and had him clean his own mess at that point. All he could do was grin in what I assume to be embarrassment. He swore he wouldn’t do it anymore.

Fast forward to a few days ago I was looking for something on the floor under our desks (they’re back to back) and I happened to look up and once again… covered.

Brought it up to him again, and same thing.

Then just now I’m laying in our bed and out of the corner of my eye, right next to my face, is another booger that he’d just smeared into our comforter.

I’m pretty upset. That’s gross.

Everyone picks their nose from time to time, I’m by no means acting above it! We’re human. But to be just smearing them everywhere? Especially in shared areas like our bed?? I’m afraid to even think that they’re probably on our sofas and wherever else he sits and doesn’t want to move from…

It’s kind of ruining my attraction to him at this point. I feel like this is a thing that children do. I’m considering just turning our guest bedroom into my own bedroom. I don’t know if that’s overreacting but I don’t want to be rolling around in boogers, especially during intimidate times… but I don’t want to have to sleep apart from my husband either…

This all feels so fucking silly.

I’m mostly just shouting into the void but would also like some insight on this situation.

How can I get through to him how gross and kind of disrespectful it actually is?

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