Ive never been good enough looks wise. People have always commented my whole life that im too short, and that my face just looks off. Ive been told to kill myself, that i should never have been born and that my parents must be ashamed. i dont know about the rest of the world, but here in norway, height is really important for people for some reason. The average height here is like 185 cm, and im 170. Ive tried everything i can change, i workout 6 days a week, to the point where i have the best physique ive ever had, im muscular and ripped, but thats not good enough either. Ive really looked into improving my style, and i finally have a good style as well. I have a good hairstyle, i have good skin, but still people only comment on my face and my height. Ive tried asking people if its my personality, but they tell me its not that at all, that im a really funny, genuinly good person, but that doesnt seem to be enough. I get that people have to be attracted to eachother, i just dont get why looks is the main factor for a partner. In my head, everything else is much, much more important. At least thats things you can change. Ive tried tinder, no luck, tried irl, just get rejected and ridiculed. Im almost 23, and i have never had anything even close to a relationship, and i feel like its getting harder and harder the older i get. All my friends are in relationships, a whole bunch of them are getting married, some of them even have kids. i just cant help feeling really goddamn lonely. Ive never had any issue talking to women, and for some reason, women really want to be my friend, but nothing more. Ive almost exclusively had female friends all my life, but a lot of them seem to think im gay for some reason. Im not even joking, like 50% of all of my friends ive ever had thought i was gay. I just dont know where to go from here, how to actually have some success. Ive pretty much given up and accepted the fact that ill probably never have anyone until im way older, but it would have been nice to feel like i have a shot with someone.

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