A few weeks ago, he and I matched on a dating app, and we exchanged Instagram accounts, but initially, I wasn’t really interested in him. We would talk for a day, and then I’d ghost him for three days. However, I eventually decided to give him a chance, and we started talking every day for about 10 days. Last weekend, we finally met in person, and it went really well; he seemed to like me. He was already making plans for our next meeting, suggesting places to eat and activities to do together. However, after our first date, he started leaving me on read for over 8 hours at a time. I found myself becoming obsessed with him, eagerly responding to his messages within seconds, only to be left on read again. This morning, I asked him if we could meet again tonight around 6-7pm, and he seemed excited about it. But now, it’s 9pm, and he hasn’t responded for over 8 hours. This situation is starting to hurt more than a breakup, to be honest. Should I keep trying to pursue him, or is it time to give up?

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