About two years ago, I (34f, then 31 turning 32) dated a guy (28m). We had a couple of dates and seemed to be hitting it off. Then we talked about this issue’ of me being a few years older than he was. It seemed to really bother him. He kept mentioning that I was the same age as his sister and therefore he felt like it would be weird to date me. (Weird, I know, couldn’t really get the hang up.

He texted me one day and broke it off with me telling me the age gap was something he couldn’t get past. I ghosted him completely after that because of how incredibly odd and rude it was.

So today I ended up on his social media and found out he’s dating a 33 yr old female (yup, just one year younger than myself!) and it sort of sent me into a spiral because I feel like he just lied about the age thing and I don’t know why.

The only thing I can think of is that he invited me over his house and I wasn’t being very affectionate or wanting to kiss, etc. I have PTSD from SA so I’m not a very touchy feely person on dates.

Anyway, do you think this guy was just making up the whole age thing as an excuse? Why would he go and date someone older than himself and just a year younger than me?

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