How do you feel about the amount of preparing for tea parties as a child, versus how many you have as an adult?

  1. My mom and I have tea parties every other weekday. I think I trained well for this!

  2. I didn’t have tea parties as a child, but have as an adult. So, I feel completely underprepared.

  3. I’ve had a few english-style tea parties as an adult, but my real passion is Chinese gong-fu style tea drinking. Nothing like what I did as a kid, but those were fun too

  4. I have not had either so seems about right.

    I think there was part of a plastic tea set that got used in the sandpit a bit. And my mother gave each girl a fancy cup and saucer. I left mine in the china cabinet when I moved out.

  5. I mean, switch tea for weed and my girls and I meet weekly! It’s exactly the same principle, light snacks and great conversation, but with beautiful bongs instead of tiny tea cups…

  6. This is such a nonsensical question. Children playing =/= preparation for adulthood. Play is creativity, copying adults to understand social interaction and to cope/process daily occurrences.

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