We’ve all done something stupid we regret years later and it makes us cringe to think about 😭

  1. Stayed with the same controlling older boy for essentially all of my teen years and miss out on all the proper experiences necessary for identity development.

  2. Dated a guy who was 4 years older than me who told me I was his girlfriend but not his friends. Proceeded to hook up with my friend bc he convinced her I was misunderstanding our relationship. I wasn’t. He was telling me he loved me. I still see him around 20 years later and run for the hills

  3. My folks had received a large Italian dining table as a wedding gift in their youth and Mum was very sentimental about the same. In a fit of anger during an argument with her in my teen emo phase, I laid hands on the table and it cracked right through the middle into 2 fragments. Not my proudest moment, Mum hasn’t forgiven me yet for this.

  4. Going to a frat party with my friends when I was in high school because I thought it would be a fun experience. It was not.

  5. When I was 17 I dated a 20 year old who liked to break into people’s houses and rob them for fun. I told him if he ever got locked up he’d never see me again. Guess who got arrested and is now in his 50s and can’t stay out of prison.

  6. using LCD. all my friends were doing it so I wanted to try too. it wasn’t that bad but I didn’t know what I was doing so now I regret it because I know a lot of things could’ve gone wrong, even though I’m thankful everything was ok (tbh it was actually fun but I wouldn’t do it again now because I became too paranoid

  7. took random pills with these pretty random guys. was a junior or senior in high school hanging out with some community college kids. they offered my friends and i pills and we just took them with no second thoughts. we were up alllll night not knowing why we couldn’t sleep, now i know what we took was adderall

  8. Stayed with my partner my family thought wasn’t the best fit for me. At the time I accused them of being against my happiness, now I know if I’d listened I could have saved myself 9 years of being too dependent on someone I’m not with anymore.

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