Women who are with or have been with someone smaller than them, do you still feel feminine ?

  1. I have been with but not currently, and definitely yes. Because my femininity exists exclusively in and of itself and not in relation to anyone else.

  2. I am 5’10. At some point I became very comfortable with my height compared to potential partners, and it definitely became a positive experience

  3. A couple of times. They were both smart, confident and charismatic, which is much more important to me, and I’d guess to many other women as well. They didn’t care about height, I didn’t care.

  4. Yes. It doesn’t happen often because I’m only 5’4 but the one time I was taller it didn’t make a difference in how I felt.

  5. I don’t know what feminine means so I don’t give a shit. The guy was a good friend and we decided to bang one time. 11/10 would go for a short guy again bc they are hot. Femininity is a social construct that I don’t waste time on.

  6. I’ve been the same height or taller than everyone I’ve dated. I’ve weighed more than all of them. I weighed 80lbs more, and was 3 inches taller than my last boyfriend.

    My femininity doesn’t depend on them. It’s how I feel. It’s an internal thing, not externally dependent on anything.

    How beautiful I feel is definitely influenced by external things (and people), but how feminine I feel is pretty constant, and not at all related to the folks I date.

  7. Absolutely! I’m 6’2″ and my nesting partner is 5’4″, and I still feel very feminine around her. Heck, I’ve only ever had one gf taller than me so size has never impacted how feminine I feel.

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