I (23f) have graduated college and I’m back at home. Even though I’m very happy to have a job, my social life is basically non-existent. I’ve been friends with my group since high school and we all live about 20mins from each other. The problem I’ve always had with this group is doing something as simple as hanging out. I’m always the one to try making plans whether it’s going out to dinner, the mall, and to the bars and they all will take days to answer me and then say they can’t make it. The only time they actually reach out to do something is if it’s for their birthdays. It makes me feel very upset because I will go months without asking them if they wanna do anything because I want them to start making the plans but they never do. The texting thing also gets on my nerves because they’re obviously on their phones but they take so many days to answer a simple text. I don’t think that it’s that they don’t like me because they text me occasionally to ask things but I’ve just been feeling so lonely. They all have boyfriends too and spend all of their time with them. It just sucks spending my weekends at home and feeling lonely. My parents start to notice this too and suggest that I ask them to do something but I’m just really tired of being the only one to reach out. It’s also hard not being in college anymore and living with my friends in my sorority. They all live far away now but I know they’re true friends because we try to make plans every few months. I just wish my hometown friends were more fun and wanted to hang out. Just a rant but if anyone has any advice or a similar experience, feel free to share.

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