For the past 3 months, I’ve been getting this weird gut feeling that my wife of 6 years is cheating on me.

She comes home late and drunk sometimes, which is very unlikely because she doesn’t drink alcohol even if they have company parties.

She’s been ignoring and rejecting my need for intimacy lately, claiming she was tired or sick.

She keeps talking about this new guy at her work saying how bad and how clumsy he is that she needs to teach him step by step like a baby and she finds it cute. I told her about my concerns about him, but she told me not to worry because he is “gay.”

I found a used condom in her car yesterday while I was washing it but I didn’t confront her yet because her sister borrowed it for a week and just returned it yesterday so I can only assume. Found it under the passenger seat and I couldn’t tell how hold it was.

She’s been on her phone more often and does not engage in conversations during our alone time.

She’s been very snobbish, very sensitive, and always mad at little things I do, which led me to get out of the house more often just to breathe.

She’s changed quite dramatically for the worse during the past few months considering she wasn’t like this at all so it’s quite a shocker.

Got a call from her sister 2 months ago saying she needed to tell me about something but she didn’t follow through so I assumed it was nothing.

Every time I bring my concerns up she always says she is sorry and will make it up to me and love me more but nothing happened, it’s just the same, I don’t want to come out as controlling and jealous so I didn’t push any further.

Should I start some digging? Or should I just brush it off, give her the benefit of the doubt and continue? She wasn’t like this before, this is a complete 180. I know she needs time to unwind due to her work, but at what expense? Our marriage? If she is indeed having an affair, I plan on catching her red-handed to save me the hassle, because adultery is a crime in my country and an automatic annulment of marriage, there’s no divorce here.

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