So i began envying one of my friends. We’re not super close and we hardly see each other in real life. The main way we used to communicate was through social media. A few months ago i began to envy her and put her on a pedestal. It’s not necessarily that i want her life. It’s more like I’m annoyed that we’re so similar and i feel like I’m being copied. I hate associating stuff with her. I’m insecure, so my guess is that i feel threatened by her. One time i saw that she posted about this hobby that i love, so i texted her saying that i loved that thing and that I’m glad she was getting into it. Only to be met with disbelief that i was into said thing, despite posting about it many times before and knowing she’s seen it. It was weird and I’m not sure what that means, but it kind of makes me question her intentions (this and some other small yet weird things). It’s been a few months of feeling this way and i thought I’d get over it since they’re my friend and these are such negative feelings and I’m not sure if it’s a solid reason to cut someone off. I hung out with her in person not long ago and the next day was so terrible. I ended up comparing myself to her so much and i ended up very depressed.bI already left my social medias, so i don’t see anything she’s up to. Despite this, i still sometimes get the urge to stalk her, but i know it’ll only hurt me and hinder my progress. I’ve decided that i need to put some distance between us while i try to lift my self esteem and tackle these issues, but i do feel bad about doing it. I’m also not sure if it would be best to just cut them off completely? Any advice is welcome. Please be kind❤️

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