My husband gives all his attention to his mother who wasn’t there for him as a child (he was raised by his grandparents). She started becoming more consistent in his life about three years ago, we’ve been married for 10 years. She has bad mouthed me to the rest of his family and it seems like she sees our kids like accessories. She never asks to see them, she’s mostly only ever worried about talking to my husband. It feels like he always puts her needs above mine and the kids. Every time I ask him why he seems mad he gets even more irate especially when he has just gotten off the phone with his mother and he denies any of his behavior and blames it on me for asking questions. He has asked me for a divorce because even though I can accept that she’s part of his life, he gets angry that I don’t like her and haven’t been able to forgive things that she has done in the past including not being there for her own son as a child. Am I wrong for this? I don’t feel like I am but he constantly tells me I’m wrong even though I don’t feel like this is normal especially since she has hardly been consistent in his life for more than half our marriage. She has also made comments to their family that when she gets old that her son will be there to take care of her. I don’t know I just feel like that’s toxic.

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