so i recently spoke to this guy from my school on insta. it had been a while we haven’t seen eo but recently, we had been crossing our paths for the past two tests we had and bc im friends w her sister, we spoke to each other too. now after texting the night before, we texted the next morning too for a while.
the night we texted, we spent 3 hrs talking abt various things including his past relas, my past situationships, we even flirted in the middle saying that it was j a practice flirting session for me etcetc
{in the midst of the convo, i j called him a bbg to which he asked me to be his mommy and i jokingly agreed to which he replied again saying “SO BREASTFEED ME”- which he later deleted saying it was too much but okay💀💀idrk how he actually is. either a freesoul jokester or not but he even sent me a text saying “then j marry me” when i told him that him being a better person wont benefit me rather his wife & kids would enjoy the benefit.}

and in flow i even told him how my friends saw him as “my crush” bc i had used his name a multiple times to save myself from an embarassment infront of my friends involving my past situationship. he replied saying that i owe him my life lol. moreover bc of sum instance, he had been thinking that i liked him which i cleared out the night we spoke.
[🤡the instance🤡: i had initiated a convo w her sis bc we were from the same state so the next time i saw him alone w/o his sis i j went and asked for his insta id AND I SWEAR IT WASNT BC OF ANYTHING BUT PURELY CURIOSITY & BC OF MY EXTROVERTED ASS FR. thats when we saw we had moots. so he actually reached out to a moot of ours and asked her what sort of a person i am by sending the text “how is she” to the kid. now the kid told him that im nice and etcetc to which he responded saying that he asked her not bc he was interested in me but bc he felt i was interested in him. like woowww???]
now im not really sure he was convinced bc in bw our convos he kept saying things like “if you want me j say so” etcetc.
now THE MAIN THING, the next morning we spoke he said in bw our convo that ‘HE USUALLY ISN’T SELF CENTERED BUT HE BECOMES ONE WHEN HE TALKS TO ME’ which really made me wonder if its bc he has the pride over his delusion that i prolly like him or bc of sum other reason i cant think of. he did say that i shouldnt take this as an appreciation nor as a disrespect but he j feels he cam sound self centred w me-
if y’all actually think that it’s possible that it’s bc of sum other reason then please enlighten me. & if any doubts then please leave the question below BUT PLEASE DO HELP ME FRRR OML
thank you !!

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