my (21f) bf (23m) possibly lying, how to move forward ?

we have been together a year, and someone sent me screenshots of him swiping up on someone’s story asking to hit him up, and if she wanted $. the guy who sent me this is the husband to one of his exes, who he insists has done crazy things like this before with other relationships, and he told me this when we first got together that he did have some exes that would likely do things like this. he said the SS were fake and he never did this, and that i should block these people. the guy only had the screenshots of snapchat (had no date), nothing of anything else & would not give me her info specifically. mind you this guy sent these screenshots two days after we had posted each other and celebrated our 1 year anniversary, but we have posted each other multiple times before.

we tried to talk in person. he insists he would do a polygraph test, and during our conversation left a voicemail to the sheriffs office. i asked him to show me his phone to see statements and the snapchat to see if this was fake. at first he said his phone was charging, was upstairs, and that i should come back tomorrow to talk it out more. i insisted and he went and got it. when he came down his hands were shaking and he looked worried, which he attributed to thinking i was “going to hit him (i have never once done this)”. he would not let me hold the phone, and when i started trying to look at the blocked list on snapchat, his attitude completely changed. all of the sudden he wanted me to leave, and was acting cold towards me (he has never acted this way before). he has texted me and has, in the gist of it said: “i love you more than you know, i don’t want to break up, i want to work on this, if you can’t trust me there is no point, the whole thing is my fault, that sk**k ruined it for me”.

finally i texted him yesterday and said i couldn’t do anything unless i saw proof of the screenshots being fake. he said he would get his bank statements, but because of how seeing the phone made our previous conversation blow up that he would not supply these things at the moment. he said he talked to a psychiatrist virtually about the situation and i guess about how he felt. he had told me that his mind was not in a good place. and told me he needed space because he did not like these feelings, and where his mind was. i told him to take the space he needed & that if he was going to harm himself to let someone know. later that day he texted me “goodnight try to get some sleep”. i said goodnight have a good day at work tomorrow. he said “i know things are hard right now but i have faith we will get through it”. this morning he texted that he was at work and good morning, and i said have a good day.

i am 50/50, i love him so much, but i dont think i can continue our relationship if he does not come clean, or show me what i need to see for a solid answer. i have never had anything like this happen before and i definitely did not see it coming. we are going to talk again in person at some point, right now i am not sure when. the only thing i have currently to go off of is his word.

simply, where do i go from here? do i continue with trying to make this work, or should i just call it quits here? do relationships come together after this or would this likely happen again?

TLDR: someone sent screenshots to me about BF (23M) and he has yet to prove them as fake. changed when asked to see phone, said he needed space but is still briefly reaching out. how to move forward and the next step.

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