My mum passed away a few weeks ago and it’s been hard for everyone in the family. I’ve already lot my dad and a couple of siblings and I’m only 26 so it’s been a rough time. I’ve been with my girlfriend for 2 years so she knew my mum and they got on well.

It was the funeral earlier in the week and my girlfriend went with me. She couldn’t sit next to me as the front row was just close family so it was me, my brother, my sister and then my mums siblings. Everyone’s partner was on the row behind.

When my girlfriend realised this she looked annoyed and said she didn’t want to sit with people she didn’t know. I told her there was nothing that could be done and that she doesn’t exactly have to talk to them.

During the wake she kept complaining that she didn’t know many people and that people kept starting conversations with her that she didn’t know so she didn’t know what to say.

She kept asking when we were leaving and how long I was going to be staying. I told her if she wanted to leave she could but that I’ll be staying until the end of the wake which she was annoyed by.

Later in the night she kept saying she didn’t really want to be there so I reminded her again that she could leave but that I’m staying with the rest of my family for now.

She got annoyed again and just spent the rest of it sat in silence clearly annoyed. When we left and got home she kept going on about how awkward she felt and I just got annoyed with her and raised my voice.

I told her all she’s done all day is sit and complain and try to make it all about her. I said she hasn’t gave a second thought to how I’m feeling and that she only cared about the fact people dared try to talk to her.

I said that it was my mothers funeral and she didn’t once seem like she was actually there to support me and looked like she wanted to leave from the start.

She said I was being cruel and unfair towards her but I just repeated that everything I said was true. She said she expects an apology and that I’m being horrible towards her but I think she should be apologising to me. How would you handle this?

tl;dr my girlfriend spent pretty much all of my mums funeral and wake complaining and trying to get me to leave. When we eventually left she jus tkept complaining about the day so I lost my temper and raised my voice at her. She said I owe her an apology but I think it should be her apologising. How would you handle this?

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