Hello I need some help from you all, my boyfriend (27M) and I (24F) are having to do a long distance relationship right now for three months, we have been together for 2 years and never had to be apart this long. The issue I am having is my boyfriend we will call him H. H is at some training for work and tbh I have no idea what is going on, we just had a fight over communication. I am so far out of the loop what’s going one I generally thought yesterday he was off camping for his weekend break with friends but apparently that’s not true, as it was planned for another time and all he told me was going to camp with friends no time date or where they going. I am frustrated, H just mention little to nothing to me and then tells me stuff after the fact, and every time I mention anything H just says I am being dramatic. Yesterday I did kind of blow up at him for this as I am more worried about H going out getting hurt and not me knowing were he is if someone from the course calls me to find him. He knows my schedule and if I don’t share what’s I am doing he gets upset. H also should know how I feel as his family is in another country and hardly shares with him till two weeks after something happens, H always gets really upset and in a bad mood after that I thought he would understand my worries. Yesterday I told him everything truthfully and never once said anything rude, mean or anything but I want communication to be better. Was told I am always dramatic (not true he just doesn’t like to admit when he in the wrong, he always chews me out for stuff and I acknowledge I was wrong he never does) saying I need to chill and I just love drama (not true I love our relationship and trying to ask him to just understand my side) H has called me a child before and he does go straight into making me feel bad for expressing myself or won’t talk to me for days. The question I have is how to deal with the stress of a long distance relationship that one person isn’t communicating with the other. As now he hasn’t responded to me just asking him to understand my side of it, or should I do what my friend suggest and not message him or talk to him for a bit till he understands how draining this is for me?
So sorry for the long post but I could use some advice please.

Also want to add I am do call him but he never talks much during the calls. He just seems so bored with the conversation, and quick to end the call. I do struggle with expressing my feelings and just let things build up over time due to just wanting everyone to be happy.

I just also want to know if others have struggled with this and how they dealt with it? Like how you made them understand or did the relationship last? I generally don’t know what to do.

TL;DR! Boyfriend stop telling me things and won’t acknowledge why I am upset. Even after I told him everything.

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