Between COVID and working from home afterwards, I swear I am in danger of becoming unsocialized and unable to function in society. I banter with people at work in chat, and I pal around on Facebook and with a few friends/relatives in text or Facebook Messenger, but I’m at the point where I just have one friend who is physically in the same geographic area that I am. We’re always chatting and go out once or twice a week, but it’s just the one friend at this point. It’s like, people move away and I never make new friends.

So I’m trying meetup tomorrow. Wish me luck! I’m in my 50s so a month ago I joined a local 50+ meetup group, that just does general social activities. A lot of trivia nights and game nights and restaurant meals. It took a month before I finally signed up for an activity: hiking tomorrow at the local national park. And then lunch afterwards.

I hope I remember how to interact with human beings in meat space!

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