This is something that’s been on my mind lately. Sad depressive individuals are commonly just shunned and left by themselves in real life. They are seen as boring and too negative.

Yet in movies, and I sppose fiction in general… we see the exact opposite. Main chaeacters tend to be loners or someone who gets bullied/discriminated a lot by society. This is esp. common for superhero characters like Batman. Or action leads like Daryl from Walking Dead or Mad Max.

They are almost always alone and too serious, yet they are most well liked by audiences. (Batman, literally every male main character in a romantic novel, Jace from Shadowhunters, and many others) most of Ryan Gosling’s characters are all dark and brooding and people love them. But take these same characters…toss them into the real world…and they are probably the first to be socially ostracised at every social gathering and event and have zero friends and admirers.

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