I’ve stopped trying to talk to people because I don’t know if there genuinely want to talk or if they just do out of pity or the feel like they must. I’m always the person to initiate conversation, nobody ever approaches me, people say I constantly have an “intense face” but I can’t change that, I’m worried it might actually just be my face.

  1. Hi, sometimes I had this feeling too. It sucks, maybe like a feeling that you are unwanted for no reason?

    I dont know how to help, but i was thinking, do you also enjoy talking to them? Or do you make it an obligation?

  2. Then, if you feel that way, small taking may be a pain for you? If so, then people can also sense that it is a pain for you, so they are also not really happy to do it. You also dont have to do it. There is no rule that says “Small talk must be”

  3. There is nothing wrong with spending time alone. In my experience, many people find that their social skills become rusty if they haven’t used them in while. The longer you spend alone, the more they will atrophy. By socializing more, its possible to become more attuned to certain body language cues and correctly analyzing changes in vocal inflection over time. This process can lead to frustration because it takes varying amounts of time to get to where you want to be.

    I’m wondering, how do you spend your time? Are you more of a solitary person? This can lead to you perceiving people as more disinterested than they really are. It depends on if you are solitary because you want to be or because you feel you lack certain social abilities.

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