Hey guys!

I’m needing your advice. I (28F)recently started to date a guy (29M) after 2 years of no dating at all.
We met on a dating app. We had our first date like 5 weeks ago and every since we have had 4 dates overall. Since we met the first time we both agreed we wanted to take it slow and see where our conexión would lead us. I’m in a moment of my life going through so many things/changes. And so is he. He’s been frustrated with work lately and just overall we both have been working too much plus other things going on in life. He mentioned he ended a long kinda toxic on and off long term relationship about 8 months ago, so he really wanted to take the time to get to know the next person he’s going to be with. I am in no rush whatsoever either so I was cool with that. So here is my concern, for the very first two weeks I’d say between date 1-2 he texted way more than he does now. He still texts me everyday but I have noticed a decrease in the frequency of his texts. Every time I see him he apologizes about this and says he doesn’t want me to feel ignored but he is just mentally dealing with work and other things.

I told him last time that I don’t expect super quick replies either but I do like to hear from him at least to know how the day went, etc. lately though he had left me on delivered for like 10-12 hours lol, I don’t or like to be texting all day either and I don’t mind slow replies but when I’m being on delivered for 12 hours it kinda makes me feel a little bit ignored and upset.

We are still in the early phases of dating so I don’t really feel comfortable disclosing this. He does plan for our dates and keeps asking me out on dates. But I’m not feeling too much efforts between our dates, he doesn’t call me either. Also I’ve noticed sometimes I send a flirtatious text and he don’t reply those but reply the rest of my texts.

Anyways, do you guys think that I should bring this up ? Do you think he is kinda of losing interest ? Do you think I should ask? It’s been a long time since I was on a relationship or dating people, so I’m a little bit scared of talking about this since we are in the early stages of dating. Thank you, any advice is appreciated

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