Is your partner the most special/important person in your life? Why or why not?

  1. No except your own self should be important. At the end of the day, only if you are healthy then can you extend that ‘health’ of sorts into every other relationship. That’s why we see a lot of relationships burn out these days. That being said some people are special and life is nothing without being connected to them. For me, it’s a bunch of people and I wouldn’t want to narrow it down to one person of course as doing that is impractical in nature and burdensome and definitely unfair to him/her.

  2. Yes, because he’s my best friend, lover, protector, mentor, provider, child-rearing partner all-in-one.

  3. Yes, my partner is one of the most important person in my life but I know what life can be and i’m trying not to build my world around one person, because you can love someone, they can love you, but life is unfair and one day everything can be ended. I don’t want to broke into million pieces and be dead while still breathing.

  4. Yes! I still have my best friends and my family, but he’s the one who I spend the most time with.

    It really baffles me when people say ‘men and women can’t be friends’, like what does that say about your relationships? Why would you want to marry someone you’re not friends with?

  5. No. My kids are. I created them and it’s my responsibility to guide them to adulthood.

  6. No. The most important person in my life is me. I know it sounds shallow. But no one does more for me, no one sacrifices more for me, no one works harder for me than me. I have been there for myself for all the good, bad and most frustrating parts of my life even when others weren’t. I have been my biggest cheerleader in life. And have pushed myself to the point of exhaustion to get to my goals. Everything I have was because I made it happen. I love my parents/siblings but my family is a part of me. Long after they are gone they live through me. I love my partner I really do. But I’ve had partners before him. If it doesn’t work out with him I am going to be crushed and super sad. But I know I will put myself self together and rebuild my life. I’ve done it before I can do it again.

  7. Other than my son, yes (or those cheesy “I’m the most important person” answers, I guess).

    Why? Because he’s the only person I’ve ever met that I’ve been willing to build a whole life with. I have a lot of friends who I’m truly close to, but we don’t have to be in sync in the same way a partner does. I can disagree with even my best friends about a lot of things because it doesn’t impact our time or activities together. That’s not true of a partner that you’re living with, negotiating every aspect of life with and (in my case) raising children with.

    I don’t always put him first compared to other relationships depending on who needs what (eg my friend needing my support would win over him wanting a date night) but if there’s a conflict of two equally important needs then his would win over other people.

    If he left me, I’d be sad but I’d move on. But while he’s here, he’s the most important peer relationship in my life.

  8. Yea absolutely. Because he is my love, I love him and he is my most favourite person to be around. We have our life to plan together too. ❤️

  9. Yes, he is my best friend, my lover, my confidante, my husband. The father of ny children. He cares for me in a way no one else does and provides a comfortable life filled with love and laughter. 

  10. Yes. He is my best friend, confidant, supporter, lover, everything that comes to mind. He moved to a different continent just to support my career, he pushes me to be the best version of myself. I know he is there for me no matter where we are. The trust and peace I have with him is the what I felt from my dad growing up.

  11. Without a doubt-he is everything to me and truly my other half. There’s no one I can be more myself around, no one I trust more or love more. He’s definitely the most important person in my life.

  12. Yes, he was. Best friend, favorite human, safe place, loving, fun, all nine yards. After almost 8 years, he ended it all just last night :/

  13. Yes, and I’m his most important. We put each other first always. Every aspect of my life is just better with him in it.

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