Would you leave a long-term, live-in relationship/marriage if you no longer like your partner’s personality, sometimes even feeling repulsed by it?

My partner and I used to have very similar personalities. We were both insensitive, not-so-PC, socially stunted, and crass. However, I’m changing with age to become someone relatively more “soft” and sensitive, preferring similar company. I often can no longer stand his abrasive, off-putting low-brow jokes and laughter. He often acts like a stereotypically “uneducated” person, despite my friends with less (formal) education than him having more refined personalities. This issue is especially relevant now that I care more about making friends than ever before, and he’s making other people uncomfortable around us.

He isn’t always like this: he’s usually very sweet, empathetic, with progressive beliefs when it’s just both of us alone or we’re with my family, but the excessive abrasiveness comes out often when we’re with others. It’s a massive sexual turnoff and has repulsed me from touching him. We barely touch, let alone have sex. He’s open-minded enough to actually let me have sex with one of my male friends whom I’m very attracted to, a friend whose personality is noticeably less harsh and more gentle, even more so than mine. I was MUCH more comfortable touching him compared to my husband. (Unfortunately, there’s no long-term romantic potential in this friend due to distance and other incompatibilities.)

Aside from these differences in self-expression, my husband and I have nearly everything in common — unique interests and values. Well, except for the ones contributing to this growing personality gap, which is probably rooted in my significantly stronger need to connect with others while he stays anti-social as we both were before.

I know he’s a genuinely good person, but he isn’t a “nice” or sensitive person. Again, I used to be exactly like him until last year. While being genuinely good > being nice, he’s strayed so far it’s at a degree that’s really canceling out his attractiveness.

I just confronted him about my feelings today and he says “I’m just trying to be myself and don’t want to connect people who would be offended by me. You’re taking me too seriously, I’m just playing around or being sarcastic”, so there’s no will to change on his end.

The trickiest thing is, I used to be just like him. I evolved naturally, but I don’t know if he can follow the same path. I do not want someone to compromise their personality solely for me, but for themselves. Maybe it’s better he finds a new partner who’s more calibrated to him?

  1. Maybe you should also step back and see the relationship from other point of view. In my opinion, I feel like it’s you who have problems rather than him. You want to connect with people and possibly make certain intimate connections along the way. Just go do you thing. I don’t think his behaviour would have any more or less effect on how you treat your own life.

  2. I think this is a situation that needs clear communication: “I need you to stop behaving like an asshole to my friends. If this is you being your true self, I need you to stop being an asshole. Your behavior sucks every bit of joy out of me and is destroying every sexual spark. If you can’t do this for me, I’m starting to think I’ll be better off without you.”

    However, think this through before you do anything drastic. After words like these are spoken there probably won’t be any turning back.

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