Hey there – I’ve (32F) been with my other half (40M) almost 10 years and not sure if we need to be together anymore. We get along pretty well still and rarely fight (mainly snips at each other if anything). I’ve dealt with severe depression and anxiety the last few years with pockets of being good. He’s also had some of the same issues on a better-functioning level. I haven’t been working FT the last few years due to it and have been paying my half of bills+food without his help, and I know he still holds it against me somewhat.

The household chores are always challenging as he has ADHD (no meds) and I understand how that works to a degree so I don’t personally hold it against him. It still majorly affects my stress, especially when I don’t have much energy right now and get a glimpse of it to clean only to have him dirty it back up instantly. It doesn’t help we have messes from 4 (adorable) pets on top of it. My efforts are very rarely noticed, even before the mental health became a glaring issue.

So, what makes it absolutely feel more of a friendship is the absence of affection and intimacy. We were into it the first few years and it’s only been around 5 times a year ever since. It heavily weighs on my mental state consistently. He seemed to turn more asexual in part to life stressors and we’re child-free, therefore not wanting to risk babies. Aside from a good-bye/night kiss and sometimes hugs, nada.

Then, a couple weeks ago, after a movie and he was asleep, YT advertised mail order brides and it set off a true shitty feeling. I know how ads are targeted, while some are random, this was too off. I’ve never felt trust issues with him until this. After some searching, I found recent porn links in his history. And really, I wouldn’t care as much about it if we communicated and had our share together. It’s extremely hurtful for the amount of time I’ve experienced sexual frustration, being put on a shelf, and feeling like a placeholder. There were also some hidden posts that were from a time I had gained some weight and he has some internalized fatphobia – that was a total slam.

It’s all a lot to take in. He definitely has great qualities to him that I haven’t seen in another partner or potential person. We’re very loyal to each other and wouldn’t physically cheat, but you know. Where’s the line of being fine existing as is and where we truly need to hash it out?

TL;DR: Long-term relationship has waned into a friendship-leaning situation and lacks connection and intimacy. What’s worth feeling like a comfortable convenience and how to change the situation?

  1. You sound like his mom. Do you want to be an adult man’s mom? I’m sure you are hot and plenty of men would fuck you and not make you pick up after them.

  2. You need to end this relationship. He uses porn for sex and like another comment said, you are basically his mom.

    You can find better. Baby men are a dime a dozen.

  3. OP, what do *you* want out of your life? Do you want someone you get along ok with and share the bills with? Own that and agree to meet your needs elsewhere. I’m sure he’s not the only game in town for you.

    If you want a relationship where you’re more than just roommates start separating yourself from this. If a relationship is making you feel bad about yourself, you’re in the wrong place. Don’t wait until *you’re* 40 hoping for this guy to let go of his own c0ck to turn to you.

  4. >He definitely has great qualities to him that I haven’t seen in another partner or potential person.

    How do you know? You’ve spent ten years hanging onto this guy’s potential, you don’t know what kind of men are out there.

  5. This is so painful. I’m in a similar situation. It would hurt but it’s gonna hurt even more as it grows into resentment. Consider a couples session and make decision. Whatever you do, address the elephant in the room asap. For you and your health first; and second, your relationship too.

  6. You have a lot going on here and some good advice… I just want to pick on this one thing…

    >Then, a couple weeks ago, after a movie and he was asleep, YT advertised mail order brides and it set off a true shitty feeling. I know how ads are targeted,

    I accidentally clicked on an ad for “Muslim Dating” a few years ago (we’re talking pre-covid) and still see that pop up fairly often. There are often “hot girls in my area” too.

    I’m not on dating sites, I’m not interested in dating anyone other than my wife, and if I were I wouldn’t want to give up beer and bacon for anyone.

    You may be reading too much into this ad thing.

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