To start, I’ve had sex with guys before and I’m pretty skilled in that department. The most I’ve done with a woman is kiss because I’ve never really had any urges to go any further with women until now.

I knew I wasn’t fully straight my entire life but this girl is making me lose my mind. She (18F) is just as obsessed with me as I (21F) am with her and wants to go all the way. It’s just been loads of sexual tension when we’re together- we haven’t even kissed yet. I was hesitant on doing anything with her due to me feeling weird about our age difference but she managed to help me relax a bit and embrace my feelings for her.

She plans on coming over next week. Should I approach sex with her in the same way I would with a man? Are there women here who were nervous as well during their first time with another girl? We don’t plan on using any toys the first few times either. How should we start?

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