Asking about a situation with a female friend.

Friend met this guy during some regular activity they both attend. She told me she likes him because he acts rather mature, seems to respect women, acts masculine but sweet and not macho or egotistical.

They started flirting and they sort of openly joke about sex. But when she wants to tell him about her actual life (family, problems) he backs away. He does talk about his family with her, although not in detail.

He asked her to go home with him and she declined. This happened a few times. He specified they don’t have to do anything sexual but she still said no. He flirted with some other girls, but he keeps an eye on my friend and hangs around her. To me it seems he flirts with others to get a reaction, but my friend’s afraid he is a player.

My friend thought she wanted him to ask her out on a date and that’s why she said no to going to his place, but now she says she may be open to something casual. But she just doesn’t want her heart broken in case he treats her badly. I guess she wants the fwb arrangement but with an actual friendship at the heart of it and not feigned interest to get into her pants.

When I look at them they seem to be into each other, they are similar in that they are sociable and well-liked and kind people. They have been flirting for months now. Perhaps I need to give him a hint that he needs to ask her out or make more of an effort. I am friendly with him but not exactly friends. But wanted to check here first, to see what you think of this situation and what’s happening. If it was meant to be, maybe he’d have made a better move already and I need to tell my friend to forget about him instead.

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